include ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/include/"); ?>
Olivers Bookmarks: Museum
- Reinis Computermuseum
- The Old Computer Archive
- The Dot Eaters/The Number Crunchers - Die Geschichte der Videospiele & Heimcomputer
- Directory of /pub/pictures
- DIGITAL$RESOURCES:[000000] - Hints&Tips for the hobbyist
- MUSEUM TNO Fysisch en Electronisch Laboratorium (TNO FEL)
- Welcome to EarthLink
- The Jefferson Computer Museum
- Itzehoer Computer Museum
- The Computer Museum History Center Home Page
- The Virtual Museum of Manchester Computing
- 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the Manchester Baby computer and the Manchester Mark 1 and Ferranti Mark 1
- HNF - Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum
- Das reale Computerspiele Museum
- Obsolete Computer Museum
- Welcome to OLD-COMPUTERS.COM !
- Gaby's Computermuseum
- Jim's Computer Garage (museum)
- The Museum of HP Calculators
- Virtuelles Computermuseum
- Sinclair QL and compatible computers
- HAL: Sun Sparc Picture Archive: IPC, IPX, Workstation, Server, ELC, SLC, Unix, Solaris, NeXT, Cube, SGI, LX, Pictures, Pics, Supersparc, Ross, Classic, NeXT, Indy, Indigo, SS10, SS5, SS20, perl rules
- Kevan's Computer Bits - Computer